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SubjectMinor bugs in via_dsp_release in via82cxxx_audio.c in 2.4.22
There are two bugs in the via_dsp_release function for this sound driver.
The first is just a typo, that prevents it from suppressing "via_audio:
ignoring drain playback error -512" errors.

The other bug (which I don't know the correct way to fix) in this same
area is the "via_audio: ignoring drain playback error -11", which is
caused when the via_dsp_drain_playback is called with nonblock != 0, and
the function returns -EAGAIN. Setting nonblock to zero certainly
supresses the error, but I'm not sure what the dangers of blocking in the
release function would be when an application specifically requests non-
blocking. Ignoring this error as with -ERESTARTSYS is also possible (and
would cause no more harm than currently happens).

Both bugs are pretty minor, I was just getting annoyed with my logfiles filling up with useless messages.
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