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SubjectRe: cdrecord hangs my computer
In article <>,
Linus Torvalds <> wrote:

| In contrast, the old cdrecord interfaces are an UNBELIEVABLE PILE OF CRAP!
| It's an interface that is based on some random hardware layout mechanism
| that isn't even TRUE any more, and hasn't been true for a long time. It's
| not helpful to the user, and it doesn't match how devices are accessed by
| everything else on the system.
| It's bad from a technical standpoint (anybody who names a generic device
| with a flat namespace is just basically clueless), and it's bad from a
| usability standpoint. It has _zero_ redeeming qualities.

And the redeeming features of naming disks, CDs, and ide-floppy devices
hda..hdx in an order depending on the loading order of the device
bill davidsen <>
CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
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