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SubjectRe: Catching NForce2 lockup with NMI watchdog - found
Wasn't this formerly fixed by a kernel config
option to not detect cpu idle on amd cpu's?
I don't see that in 2.6

Julien Oster wrote:

> writes:
>>>So gals and guys, try disabling cpu disconnect in bios and see whether
>>>aopic now runs stable.
>>Yes that fix it. Well time will tell but I cannot make it crash with
>>hdparm -tT or cat /dev/hda so far. I'm dumping hda to /dev/null right
>>After testing to make it crash, I used athcool to reenable CPU
>>disconnect, and guess what, test after that just crashed the box.
>>You found the problem, congratulations.
>Well, now I'm stunned.
>With APIC and ACPI enabled, my machine isn't even able to boot
>completely, it'll most certainly crash before the init scripts are
>Now, I modified the init scripts to do "athcool off" as the first
>thing at all (I don't have any "CPU disconnect" BIOS setting) and it
>not only booted, but I even can't seem to make it crash using my
>hdparm/grep/whatever tests...
>I don't know if it's "rock solid" yet, but at least the difference is
>huge. It really seems like that made the problem go away!

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