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SubjectRe: Catching NForce2 lockup with NMI watchdog - found wrote:

> ...................If you experience crashes with apic and your bios
> does not have such
>option, try athcool at
>Its purpose is to *enable* cpu disconnect but can also disable it. Your
>best bet is to run it to disable cpu disconnect the soonest possible at
>On the other hand, it isn't the cause of IRQ7 rogue interrupts. As I
>initially suspected, it seems now totally unrelated. The ACPI override
>handling may be buggy ? Since putting back the timer on IO-APIC-edge
>solves it.
>Nevertheless this is still a problem, other chipsets for Athlon
>processors seems to be able to have cpu disconnect and ioapic enabled
>without any crashes. But so far I don't see any thermal differences, I'm
>happy with that.
I presently have /proc/interrupts
0: 244393560 XT-PIC timer

but when I tried nvnet driver and onboard
ethernet I think I saw both IRQ7 disabled
and some 8259A spurious interrupt err.

Presently there is no grep timer or TIMER
or 8259A in logs. 8259A has to do with
IO-APIC timer? It would make sense that
nvnet would see apic and lapic on in bios
and linux and look for io-apic timer as
well as apic table, then fail confused.

Is there a link to that patch? I keep deleting
this list it's huge so I lost a patch in a message.


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