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SubjectNumaq in 2.4 and 2.6
While comparing numaq support in 2.4.23 and 2.6.0-test11 came accross 

In 2.4.23 mpparse.c we do :
phys_cpu_present_map |= apicid_to_phys_cpu_present(m->mpc_apicid);

and then launch the cpus using NMI and logical addressing in the order
phys_cpu_present_map indicates.

In 2.6.0-test11mpparse.c we do :
tmp = apicid_to_cpu_present(apicid);
physids_or(phys_cpu_present_map, phys_cpu_present_map, tmp);

where apicid is the result of :
static inline int generate_logical_apicid(int quad, int phys_apicid)
return (quad << 4) + (phys_apicid ? phys_apicid << 1 : 1);

and phys_apicid == m->mpc_apicid

Again we lauch the cpus using NMI and logical addressing.

So the the set of apicids fed to do_boot_cpu() in 2.4 and 2.6 must be
different using the same mp table. And both use logical addressing.
Seems that 2.4 expects mpc_apicid to be something like (quad | cpu) and
2.6 only cpu, the quad comes from the translation table.

The conclusion is that the same mp table can't work in 2.4 and 2.6? No?


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