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Subjectoomkiller in 2.4.23-bk3 gone bad

Don't know about previous 2.4.23 but I'm getting this on a couple
servers that have high memory usage:

Dec 4 14:34:24 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:35:46 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:37:29 build1 kernel: VM: killing process
Dec 4 14:38:03 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:39:27 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:40:28 build1 kernel: VM: killing process sh
Dec 4 14:40:33 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:42:35 build1 kernel: VM: killing process bash
Dec 4 14:42:35 build1 kernel: VM: killing process bash
Dec 4 14:43:13 build1 kernel: VM: killing process sh
Dec 4 14:43:14 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:45:41 build1 kernel: VM: killing process cron
Dec 4 14:45:42 build1 kernel: VM: killing process sh
Dec 4 14:45:43 build1 kernel: VM: killing process cron
Dec 4 14:45:48 build1 kernel: VM: killing process idle-kill
Dec 4 14:45:48 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:45:48 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:47:19 build1 kernel: VM: killing process fill
Dec 4 14:47:20 build1 kernel: VM: killing process bash
Dec 4 14:48:31 build1 kernel: VM: killing process firewall

I've also seen it kill off cron and some other server critical
root-owned processes.

Robert L. Harris | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
@ x-hkp://
These are MY OPINIONS ALONE. I speak for no-one else.

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Don't stop traffic to stand and gawk at the tragedy.
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