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Subject[ANNOUNCE] udev 012 release
I've released the 012 version of udev.  It can be found at:

rpms built against Red Hat FC1 are available at:
with the source rpm at:

udev allows users to have a dynamic /dev and provides the ability to
have persistent device names. It uses sysfs and /sbin/hotplug and runs
entirely in userspace. It requires a 2.6 kernel with CONFIG_HOTPLUG
enabled to run. Please see the udev FAQ for any questions about it:

For any udev vs devfs questions anyone might have, please see:

The major changes since the 011 release are:
- updated ide devfs compatible script
- command line options are now available, allowing you to query
the udev database. This is just a first cut, the query
functionality will be extended later.
- lots of minor bug fixes and tweaks.

Thanks again to everyone who has send me patches for this release, a
full list of everyone, and their changes is below.

udev development is done in a BitKeeper repository located at:

Daily snapshots of this tree used to be found at:
But that box seems to be down now. Hopefully it will be restored
someday. If anyone ever wants a tarball of the current bk tree, just
email me.


greg k-h

Summary of changes from v011 to v012

o make symlink work properly if there is already a file in its place
o Fix udev gcc-2.95.4 compat

o extras multipath update
o extras multipath update

Kay Sievers:
o mention user callable udev + options in man page
o make udev user callable to query the database
o depend on all .h files
o cleanup namedev_parse debug text
o extend exec_program[]
o update
o fix for apply_format()
o check for empty symlink string
o 'ide' missing in bus_files[]
o small trivial cleanup of latest changes

o introduce signal handler

o udev spec file update

Greg Kroah-Hartman:
o minor grammer fixes for the udev_vs_devfs document
o move the dbus config file to etc/dbus-1/system.d/
o move the config files to etc/udev to clean up main directory a bit
o add Gentoo versions of the rules and permissions files
o if using glibc, link dynamically, as no one like 500Kb udev binaries
o minor change to udev_vs_devfs document
o added udev vs devfs supid document to the tree
o move the signal handling registration to after we have initialized enough stuff
o make executable in the tree
o udev.permissions.debian - forgot the dm nodes
o update the udev.permissions.debian file with new entries
o added udev.init script for the Linux From Scratch project

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