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SubjectSoftware suspend in 2.6.0
Since Patrick fell off the face of the earth, I've switched to Pavel's suspend 
code, which pretty much works the same way, but has some similar rough edges.

The first suspend works nicely. After resuming from that and suspending
again, the screen gets blanked early in the suspend (immediately after
"suspending processes", and then the suspend is REALLY SLOW. (You can see
the hard drive light light up and go off again with a 1/2 second gap between
each page saved.)

I think that what's happening is that during the "power stuff down" phase, the
device list is including the screen and processor and powering them down.
The processor goes into an insanely slow state, and the display is black.
(The suspend will usually complete normally when this happens, if you give it
10 minutes.)

It doesn't do this on the first suspend, but it does it on second and later

Any suggestions?


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