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SubjectRe: The survival of ide-scsi in 2.6.x
    If people will have me, I am prepared to take on that responsibility.
I am just concerned that I may not have enough of a variety of devices
to be able to thoroughly test it (unless the DI-30 is the only one :-)).
What do people see as the requirements to be able to maintain ide-scsi?

Well...there's currently not a long line of people wanting to do this,
so feel free to send in patches (at least cc'd to linux-scsi so I can
pick them up easily), and we'll see how it goes.

In the long term, I think libata will end up assuming much of the role
that ide-scsi does now, but since it doesn't interface to a lot of
existing motherboard chipsets, we're going to need ide-scsi around for a
while at least.


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