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SubjectRe: NForce2 pseudoscience stability testing (2.6.0-test11)
 >Bob wrote:
>Local APIC locked up with nforce2 and VIA,
>impossibly serious with nforce2 and non-amd
>offboard ide controller cards. BIOS flash made
>problems go away.
>I experienced the lockups when using promise and
>siig sis ide hd controller pci cards. I still had problems
>with a 3ware card.
>Flashing the bios solved all problems. Now I run
>both the via and nforce2 mboards with APIC and
>Local APIC on in kernel. I'm running six ide drives,
>four on a 3ware pci hd controller card using ide-scsi.
>I got sound working on nforce2, and nvidia ti4200
>agp8 vid card(nvidia drivers crash X but agpgart
>with X "nv" instead of "nvidia" works in 2D well),
>but not usb. The sound config problem was fixed
>by "ln -s sound/dsp2 /dev/dsp". The apps only
>look for /dev/dsp.

Do you think that motherboard maker was really at fault or
did they genuinely fix a grotesque error. Were any changes
in the BIOS-change-list relevant to fixing up this APIC
problem in Linux?

Can you provide the following:
- which motherboard
- which bios revs (the broken one and the fixed one)
- which kernel are you running (is it vanilla, from a dist,
- lspci
- cat /proc/interrupts
- dmesg
- .config from kernel (if not stock from dist)

I really, really hope this problem can be solved without
a BIOS upgrade because getting board manufacturers to do
anything is very difficult.

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