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SubjectProblem with SCHED_RR and kernel 2.4.18-4GB
Hi All,

I'm a newbie at Linux, but have been busy developing (with some other
people) sort of a DVB zapper demo application/stack on top of Hauppauge HW
and SUSE 8.0 kernel 2.4.18-4GB for the last 2 months.

As the stack wil eventually be ported to one (or more) dedicated HW
platforms, we defined an OS independant API. Now, we want to be able to set
priorities, and have sort of a realtime behaviour.

The problem is that if I implement this, and set scheduling to be SCHED_RR,
or SCHED_FIFO, my linux machine hangs. With SCHED_OTHER, I don't have that
(note that for testing I used to set all prios to minimum (=1)).

I already read 2 issues/threads on the internet (that's all I could find
closely related), but they didn't gave me the solution
( and

I already tinckered with it for a day now :-(

I checked whether all threads have an OS call (sem_lock, or sleep etc), to
allow scheduling and not cause starvation of other processes/threads and yes
that is the case and in IMHO this looks fine.

The questions:
1) Is this the right mailinglist for this question? If not, please direct me
to the correct one, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
2) Attached a snippet of the code I made. Am i missing something obviously?
3) Is there a problem in 2.4.18? And if so, to which kernel should I move?

Thanks a lot,

Gert-Jan van Dijk

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