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SubjectRe: Can't eject a previously mounted CD?
I'd have to say the december 17th listed changes are the culprit here. 
I'm definitely not up to figuring out what change is the bad one. If
any of the cdrom/ide-cd people wanna have me get some data from them
then just tell me how. I've tried viewing the debug output from the
modules with no success in figuring out the problem.

Walt H wrote:
>>Does everyone who has this problem by chance have it occuring on an
>>atapi cd recorder. As of 2.6.0-mm1 my cd recorder is being labeled read
>>only by the ide-cd driver. Meaning, no matter if i set the readonly
>>flag in hdparm to 0, cdrecord and others will refuse to write to the
>>drive because it's being told it's read only. I do not have fam loaded
>>at the time of this testing. Are there new ide-cd arguments required to
>>use atapi cd writers in native mode?
> I have it happening on both my optical drives. One is a lite-on ATAPI cd-rw, the
> other an ATAPI Pioneer dvd-rw/cd-rw. No fam/gnome running. I do use automount
> with these drives, but I can see that the mounts have been expired, yet I can't
> eject them using the button. Tested last night using both ide-cd and ide-scsi.
> Same result with either access. When they're locked, fuser shows nothing
> attached, as does lsof. I can eject them with the eject command.
> -Walt

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