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SubjectRe: Can't eject a previously mounted CD?
Just to add to my previous post about the problem with the ide-cd 
driver. It appears that loading and unloading it and loading it again a
couple times causes the driver to mess up it's interrupts. Now i get a
recurring "lost interrupt to hdc" message and the device is
non-responsive, causing any attempt to rmmod or modprobe ide-cd to hang,
and the /dev entry is missing according to hdparm.

Ed Sweetman wrote:
> Walt H wrote:
>> Ed Sweetman wrote:
>>> I'd have to say the december 17th listed changes are the culprit here.
>>> I'm definitely not up to figuring out what change is the bad one. If
>>> any of the cdrom/ide-cd people wanna have me get some data from them
>>> then just tell me how. I've tried viewing the debug output from the
>>> modules with no success in figuring out the problem.
>> Luckily for me, I built my cdrom drivers as modules, so I could play :)
> so did i. I looked at the debugging output and noticed the increments
> increasing. This had no effect on me unloading the module so i didn't
> care. It also should have nothing to do with not being able to eject it
> since being unable to eject would imply that the door is locked, in
> which case the command "eject" should also fail but it does not. I think
> the kernel is really really fubarred since the dec 17th patches dealing
> with ide-cd. My cd writer is no longer able to write in atapi direct
> mode because the driver isn't giving it the capabalities it should have.
> It's being shown as a simple cdrom as far as the kernel is concerned.
> Also, the drive throws errors about being unable to access sector 0, as
> many others have pointed out. This is an error that should be caught
> prior to actually sending such a command since media is not in the drive
> in the first place.
> It's definitely not up to me but i would roll back the cdrom and ide-cd
> changes from dec 17th and re-add them much more carefully because
> something is really messed up.
> cdrecord is showing the TOC as just CdRom and reports the drive as
> readonly. That's about all the irregular information i can find on my
> own. I dont know where to look for anything else, the cdrom debugging
> output doesn't report anything irregular except for the behavior
> described below and that really doesn't help me with anything except to
> prove that the patches that went in last are the cause of the problem,
> not necessarily famd's hackish behavior or hardware.
>> I turned on debugging, and noticed that cdi->use_count continues to
>> increment by
>> 2 for each access. In cdrom_release, only one cdi->use_count-- exists,
>> so the
>> driver never gets to 0 use count and releases. I noticed in
>> drivers/cdrom/cdrom.c line 753:
>> if (!ret) cdi->use_count++;
>> Which is our second increment, but I can't find two decrements,
>> because the
>> check further down won't ever be true if the above is true. Hence, two
>> increments and only 1 dec when we reach cdrom_release. What I did, was
>> add a
>> conditional decrement right before the open_for_data call, which makes
>> the value
>> of use_count like it used to be prior to the Mt. Rainier patches.
>> Seems kinda
>> hacky :)

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