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SubjectRe: 2.7 (future kernel) wish
On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 10:03:17PM -0500, Jim Crilly wrote:
> >
> Generally it just complains that you pulled out the device prematurely,
> I've never seen one give a STOP error from that but I guess a bad driver
> or USB controller could cause anything.
> When you insert a device like a USB stick Windows puts a little icon
> next to the clock in the system tray that you're supposed to use to stop
> the device before pulling it, effectively it unmounts and stops (or
> atleast releases the device from) the driver so the device can be
> 'safely' removed. I also believe Windows mounts any removable device
> synchronously so that if you do pull it out prematurely the damage done
> is limited.

I think the behavior of Win2k and WinXP is different for removable
devices. Win2k seems to use async writes, and complains a lot if you
remove them without stopping. XP seems to use sync writes, and doesn't
tend to complain much.

I haven't seen either one crash from pulling out flash cards from a card
reader (haven't tried a pen drive or similar). However, the media
drivers they use for the USB readers sometimes seem to get into a bad
state where they're continually writing until you unplug the device.

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