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Subject2.7 (future kernel) wish

First of all... Compliments about 2.6.0. It is a superb kernel, with very few
serious bugs, and for me it runs stable like a rock from the very first

As an end user, Linux doesn't give me a good feeling on one particular item
yet: Error handling.

What do I mean ? Well... for example: Pull out your USB stick with a mounted
fs on it. Linux doesn't really seem to like it, got weird problems etc. It
will survive, sure, but the user got no clue and data are lost for sure. Bad
sectors on a disk... Linux will pass, but even 2.6.0 went very slow,
unresponsive when a floppy with bad sectors went into the drive. Many other
non-critical or solvable problems that are dealt with in a way that makes
linux survive (most of the times), but not in a way that is neat from the
user point of view.

It all just doesn't feel like Linux is doing the best it can to "rescue the
user" when something is going wrong. Technically speaking, it's not only the
task of the kernel to do so, but for an end user it makes the difference
between an OS that does its job, and an OS that does its job nicely.

I think it's hard to describe what I mean exactly, but I hope you get the
feeling. I too know that some of this is not within scope of the kernel (it's
not the kernels task to tell the user "put back the USB drive or data is
lost"), but after dealing with broken floppies again, I thought it was time
to write my feelings to the list.

Best regards, and thanks for the wonderful world of Linux,


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