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SubjectRe: SCO's infringing files list

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, Tom Felker wrote:
> The original errno.h, from linux-0.01, says it was taken from minix, and goes
> up to 40.

Good eyes - I only analysed the ctype.h thing, and didn't look up errno.h
in the original sources. errno.h has a _big_ comment saying where the
numbers came from (and some swearwords about POSIX ;)

Looking at signal.h, those numbers also seem to largely match minix. Which
makes sense - I actually had access to them.

In both cases it's only the numbers that got copied, though. And not all
of them either - for some reason I tried to make the signal numbers match
(probably lazyness - not so much that I cared about the numbers
themselves, but about the list of signal names), but for example the
SA_xxxx macros - in the very same file - bear no relation to the minix

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