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SubjectRe: SCO's infringing files list
On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 16:14, Joseph Pingenot wrote:
> >Any thoughts?
> Yep. After a very partial and preliminary look (ctype.h, signal.h, errno.h)
> I would recommend that SCO sue the much larger pot of Microsoft Windows
> users out there.
> So far as I can tell, Visual Studio ships with these files as well, although
> I can't compare the Linux, SCO, and Windows versions of them.
> Anyone with more info?
> -Joseph

SCO contends that as part of BSD settlement these files must retain a
System V copyright header...unfortunately for them that settlement onyl
affected BSD and no one else, and the judge made clear it didn't believe
USL held the copyrights to these files sine they were previously
released without a copyright statement.

Furthermore the private settlement still isn't public so their claims
are beyond dubious, they fall into fraudulent at this point. These
files have been published in books and elsewhere... and are mostly
defines, no code or methods...

Looks bleak for them, as long as the press doesn't jsut use this to keep
backing SCO as heros...god it makes me any other country these
fiends would be behind bars for trying extort money for things they
don't own and haven't proven they own. Swindlers.

Come on SEC, step up you quivering cowards.


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