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Subject[OT] Exists? kernel/library simulating cluster/multi-processor machine

for my diploma I am currently working on a library called "load
balancing class" originally developed by Frank Meisgen. As the name
suggests its duty is to balance the load on a heterogenous cluster. The
original library was written for sun sparc machines and I am proting it
and enhancing it. Though I have started doing it for Windows2000, it
also runs on Linux (which is the goal, but as Windows seems to make more
troubles, I develop it there). A age simulation /population simulation
already works and now I am busy debugging a fast sat solver (originally
written by Max Böhm for his "plb" and converted to lbc by Frank Meisgen).

My question is, where there existes some sort of modified kernel or
library (perhaps a modified mpi libraray, as lbc uses mpi to
communicate) which simulates a cluster or multi-processor machines on a
single cpu machine (or a "bigger" cluster on a cluster). Why? Of course
it won't do anything good performance wise, But I want to see how well
the lbc works and getting access to big clusters isn't easy esp if you
want to tweak. Starting more than one process on one machine won't help,
as the processes with natrurally balance each other.


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