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Subject2x procfs bug with 2.4.23


I have encountered 2 different procfs bugs with 2.4.23, where procfs
seems to be running a possible race, the other with ACPI subdirs being
created in /proc instead of /proc/acpi, possibly leading to more problems.

both kernels run the official grsec patchset, so I forward them to

1) procfs sys shows alternatingly up as "file", "socket", and "directory"

root@server /proc # ls -ld sys
srwxrwxrwx 10 root root 0 2003-12-15 00:38 sys
root@server /proc # ls -ld sys
-r--r--r-- 10 root root 0 2003-12-15 00:38 sys
root@server /proc # ls -ld sys
prw------- 10 root root 0 2003-12-15 00:41 sys
root@server /proc # ls -ld sys
prw------- 10 root root 0 2003-12-15 00:41 sys
root@server /proc # ls -ld sys
srwxrwxrwx 10 root root 0 2003-12-15 00:41 sys
root@server /proc # cd sys
root@server /proc/sys # ls -ld .
srwxrwxrwx 10 root root 0 2003-12-15 00:41 .
root@server /proc/sys # pwd
root@server /proc/sys # ls
abi debug dev fs kernel net proc vm

etc... very very annoying since this box needs ip_forward enabled after
boot to function!

The other box has an unsupported ACPI core:

[from dmesg]
ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP
ACPI: Subsystem revision 20031002
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf7ec0, last bus=0
PCI: Using configuration type 1
ACPI: System description tables not found
ACPI-0084: *** Error: acpi_load_tables: Could not get RSDP,
ACPI-0134: *** Error: acpi_load_tables: Could not load tables:
ACPI: Unable to load the System Description Tables
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: ACPI tables contain no PCI IRQ routing entries

it's a genuine pII-mmx, so I don't care about the ACPI. However, the
/proc/acpi directory isn't created but the subdirs for enabled
components are, which could result in confusion/problems:

~ # ls -dF /proc/[a-zA-Z_-]*
/proc/ac_adapter/ /proc/interrupts /proc/partitions
/proc/battery/ /proc/iomem /proc/pci
/proc/bus/ /proc/ioports /proc/processor/
/proc/button/ /proc/irq/ /proc/self@
/proc/cmdline /proc/kmsg /proc/slabinfo
/proc/cpuinfo /proc/ksyms /proc/stat
/proc/crypto /proc/loadavg /proc/swaps
/proc/devices /proc/locks /proc/sys/
/proc/dma /proc/lvm/ /proc/sysvipc/
/proc/driver/ /proc/mdstat /proc/thermal_zone/
/proc/execdomains /proc/meminfo /proc/tty/
/proc/fan/ /proc/misc /proc/uptime
/proc/filesystems /proc/modules /proc/version
/proc/fs/ /proc/mounts@
/proc/ide/ /proc/net/

[note the thermal_zone... it should not be there I think ;^)]

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