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SubjectRe: Fwd: Re: Working nforce2, was Re: Fixes for nforce2 hard lockup, apic, io-apic, udma133 covered
udma133 with Award bios update and nforce2

APIC error on CPU0: 02(02)
what?? no crash though.

Ross Dickson wrote:

>Hi Bob
>Jesse has award bios, see attached
Months ago I thought using a 3ware card might
help with nforce2 crashes so I gave up on promise
and sii hd cards after a lot of experiments(hdparm,
no lapic, no acpi, apic off in bios) and put in a 3ware
card but I flashed the bios at the same time so didn't
know if the 3ware card helped with the nforce2
crashing or not, since the bios flash did the job.

With 3ware I couldn't use hdparm to see what udma
settings the drives were set to. Now I can report.

Just now I took the 3ware card out and went back
to promise cards(using 4 hd's either method, 2 cd's
on mboard amd74xx, onboard sata disabled).

bob@where cat /proc/interrupts
0: 3350153 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 5775 IO-APIC-edge i8042
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 1 IO-APIC-edge rtc
9: 0 IO-APIC-level acpi
12: 5385 IO-APIC-edge i8042
14: 10 IO-APIC-edge ide0
15: 10 IO-APIC-edge ide1
16: 1717957 IO-APIC-level ide2, ide3, eth0
19: 472929 IO-APIC-level ide4, ide5
21: 0 IO-APIC-level NVidia nForce2
NMI: 822
LOC: 3350073
ERR: 35
MIS: 15818

cd's on amd74xx onboard, amd74xx onboard is always solid,
4 ide hd's on two promise cards. not many nmi ticks without
the better patch there.

bonnie++ smooth, then hdparm up the settings, udma6,
bonnie++ again, saw a few "APIC error on CPU0: 02(02)"
but no lockup. not sure if data lost since it was a test. APIC
error might be fixed by changing hdparm settings. This
second test was with unmasked irq and udma6.

I have to patch to get ioapic edge timer on.

This 11/7/2003 updated award bios does not have a cpu
disconnect option but it does eliminate the crashes with
no patch and it is no longer impossible to use promise
ide udma133 controller cards.

MSI K7N2 Delta MCP2-T mboard

I don't have the promise patch in yet, either, so the APIC
error might be from that, or hdparm unmasked irq.

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