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Subject2.6.0-test9 status report
2.6 is getting better! I only have two outstanding issues on my setup.
I've CC:d the appropriate maintainers:

1. Software suspend

This began actually working in -test9. However, if I S4 from within X,
it will never resume. In fact, it will begin resuming, but then it will
go 'Waiting for DMAs to calm down' or something, and then reboot, and
loop rebooting.

Also, my USB devices will not be re-enabled unless I unplug the hub and
replug it back in. Is there a way to kick my hotplug manager in the
shins on resume, or simulate a unplug/replug?

2. Radeon framebuffer

At boot time, since like kernel 2.5.59, there is a pile of random junk
on my framebuffer which scrolls away after a while with the boot
messages. It usually elicits weird questions from my Windows- and Red
Hat-using colleagues. "Whoa, pretty colors!" or "what the hell?" :)

Also only recently I am seeing some text clearing problems especially
when using mutt. Some characters will be stuck on the screen after
paging up and down, and sometimes when I hit the backspace i get a little
dot (like 'o') for each time i press the backspace but it seems to have
no effect on the text processed by programs.

Hoping that these two issues can be resolved.

Joshua Kwan
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