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SubjectKernel oops

My linux box keeps crashing every 24 hours or so. It's running kernel
version 2.4.21. I ran the oops message through ksymoops and got this result:

ksymoops 2.4.9 on i686 2.4.21. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.4.21/ (default)
-M (specified)

Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer
dereference at virtual address 00000024
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: c01288a9
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: *pde = 00000000
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: Oops: 0000
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: CPU: 0
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c01288a9>] Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: eax: 00000000 ebx: c13f5570 ecx:
f6e19224 edx: 00000000
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: esi: f6e19224 edi: 00000004 ebp:
0000179a esp: f7fc3f24
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: Process kswapd (pid: 4, stackpage=f7fc3000)
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: Stack: 00000000 c13f5570 c012f91f c13f5570
c67ac580 f7fc2000 0000001a 000001d0
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: c02a9e40 c1c0d2b0 d2d45a00 c1c0d2b0
00000004 0000000f 000001d0 00000005
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: 0000000f c012fac2 00000005 0000002f
c02a9e40 00000005 000001d0 c02a9e40
Nov 28 07:27:56 myweb kernel: Call Trace: [<c012f91f>] [<c012fac2>]
[<c012fb3c>] [<c012fc4f>] [<c012fcc6>]
Nov 28 07:27:57 myweb kernel: [<c012fe01>] [<c012fd60>] [<c0105000>]
[<c0107156>] [<c012fd60>]
Nov 28 07:27:57 myweb kernel: Code: 8b 40 24 85 c0 74 04 53 ff d0 5a 8b
53 04 8b 03 89 50 04 89

>>EIP; c01288a9 <do_brk+519/590> <=====

>>ebx; c13f5570 <___strtok+10946dc/385aa16c>
>>ecx; f6e19224 <___strtok+36ab8390/385aa16c>
>>esi; f6e19224 <___strtok+36ab8390/385aa16c>
>>esp; f7fc3f24 <___strtok+37c63090/385aa16c>

Trace; c012f91f <kmem_find_general_cachep+e1f/19f0>
Trace; c012fac2 <kmem_find_general_cachep+fc2/19f0>
Trace; c012fb3c <kmem_find_general_cachep+103c/19f0>
Trace; c012fc4f <kmem_find_general_cachep+114f/19f0>
Trace; c012fcc6 <kmem_find_general_cachep+11c6/19f0>
Trace; c012fe01 <kmem_find_general_cachep+1301/19f0>
Trace; c012fd60 <kmem_find_general_cachep+1260/19f0>
Trace; c0105000 <empty_zero_page+1000/2dd0>
Trace; c0107156 <machine_power_off+166/300>
Trace; c012fd60 <kmem_find_general_cachep+1260/19f0>

Code; c01288a9 <do_brk+519/590>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c01288a9 <do_brk+519/590> <=====
0: 8b 40 24 mov 0x24(%eax),%eax <=====
Code; c01288ac <do_brk+51c/590>
3: 85 c0 test %eax,%eax
Code; c01288ae <do_brk+51e/590>
5: 74 04 je b <_EIP+0xb> c01288b4
Code; c01288b0 <do_brk+520/590>
7: 53 push %ebx
Code; c01288b1 <do_brk+521/590>
8: ff d0 call *%eax
Code; c01288b3 <do_brk+523/590>
a: 5a pop %edx
Code; c01288b4 <do_brk+524/590>
b: 8b 53 04 mov 0x4(%ebx),%edx
Code; c01288b7 <do_brk+527/590>
e: 8b 03 mov (%ebx),%eax
Code; c01288b9 <do_brk+529/590>
10: 89 50 04 mov %edx,0x4(%eax)
Code; c01288bc <do_brk+52c/590>
13: 89 00 mov %eax,(%eax)

What could be the problem? Any help would be highly appreciated.


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