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Subjectkernel development in kernel

After lots of hesitation I am sending this mail. Hope I don't waste your time.

I am thinking of developing kernel development environment which provides
a pseudo shell, and runtime environment that resides in the kernel itself.
The goal of this exercise is to create an environment that simplifies the
kernel programming effort by creating a virtual user area that sits above
kernel but within the kernel protected region. The runtime environment should
provide all that is necesary to build and debug kernel image as if it is a
C program.

My wish is that kernel development should eventually become somewhat like
a C development, if not completely, partially, so that the idea takes the
lead over spending lots of time in getting a code work in kernel.

Sure, too much of hand waving without any substance went in my mail. If you
can let me know the worthwhileness of the effort itself I will be motivated
to slog.

Thanks for your time.

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