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SubjectRe: [kernel panic @ reboot] 2.6.0-test10-mm1
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 18:34:34 +0100 Vince <> wrote:

| Zwane Mwaikambo wrote:
| > On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Vince wrote:
| >
| > <4>Oops: 0000 [#49]
| >
| > At the point you're at there really isn't much state left to work from.
| > Any chance you can get at the logs (if it hit disk) and get the first
| > oops?
| >
| Nothing ever hits the disk (In interrupt handler - not syncing ...),
| that's the reason why I had to install kmsgdump in the first place.
| (Sidenote: a few days ago, I had the intent to install the lkcd kernel
| patches, but gave up because of the time required to
| patch/compile/install/setup correctly the kernel and userspace utilities
| (not .deb of lkcd-utils available...)).
| I suppose I could enlarge the kernel message log size, but the kmsgdup
| documentation states:
| ---------------------------------
| If you have changed your messages buffer size (which is 16 kB by
| default), you should modify the size in "include/asm/kmsgdump.h",
| parameter LOG_BUF_LEN. Some people required 32 kB. But you shouldn't
| exceed 60 kB since the dump is done in real mode (16 bits).
| For kernel versions 2.5.6x and later, the LOG_BUF_LEN parameter is part
| of the kernel .config file (LOG_BUF_SHIFT) so you don't need to modify
| it at all.
| ---------------------------------
| I you think 60kB would be enough to catch the first oops -- or if
| the doc is outdated -- I can try this...

wow... ooops. a kmsgdump user. :)

No, the doc is not outdated, and since the log buf size must be a
power of 2, 32 KB is the largest that is currently supported.
Sorry about that.

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