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Subjectturning off harddisk and listen music from ramdisk under Linux
Hi guys,

I want to use a PC to listen mp3-music. Therefore I have to buy a new
I use Linux and I want to turn off all harddisks while listening,
they are so noisy. My plan is to let some homegrown software regularly
copy the music data
from a harddisk to a ramdisk and to turn off the harddisk then. Then I
listen from the ramdisk.

My questions:
- is this possible?
- how do I turn off a harddisk from software under Linux?
- do I have to buy a special harddisk?
- how does linux react on turning off all harddisks? Can
I cut away any superfluous stuff like CRON and let Linux
also run on a ramdisk? Or do I need some special embedded
Linux distribution?
- or is there a readymade solution?

There are the following circumstances:
- for religious reasons I only use _old_ hardware (64MB, 100Mhz)
- I am planning to have a boot partition just for the sole
purpose of listening to music
- I want to keep this boot partition small: no X windows stuff,
no network and so on. The system should start up very
- I have a SuSE Linux distribution on CD Rom. I only have a 56K
modem. I don't want to download software for hours.

Any help would be appreciated.


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