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Subjectpossible IDE/ext3 fs corruption while playing w/ ACPI and/or 2.4.22?
Hi folks,

I wonder if playing w/ vanilla 2.4.22 or 2.4.22+ACPI patches can lead to
IDE/ext3 fs corruption..

I'm using SuSE 8.1 on my Dell Inspiron 8200, default SuSE 2.4.19-4GB
kernel (acpi 20020829). I've compiled 2.4.22 vanilla and 2.4.22 + latest
ACPI code + latest ieee1394 (gcc 3.2), and got IDE faults that lead to ext3
corruption when (re)booting to those 2.4.22 kernels, in different ACPI modes
(w/ or w/o batteries, power supply).

Here what /var/log/messages shows:
kernel: hda: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
kernel: hda: drive not ready for command
This error usually occurs right when booting the a 2.4.22 kernel (vanilla or
w/ ACPI patches), and I got broken files and directories sometimes.

I usually use SuSE's 2.4.19 kernel, and never have IDE/ext3 problems. Those past
3 months, I tried twice to compile and use 2.4.22 and each time I got fs corruption.

So I double-checked my drive for broken sectors, also did 4-hour long memory
check: nothing bad has been found. I've also upgraded to modutils 2.4.26.

That's why I'm trying to figure out what element (kernel, acpi, ieee1394,
SuSE stuff, Dell hardware/BIOS) is leading to such IDE errors and to fs
data loss.

Any thought about such problems or maybe how to investigate? Did anyone
experienced such problems w/ ACPI, Dell hardware or fresh 2.4.22 kernel?


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