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SubjectHisax/Orinoco_cs networking conflicts in 2.4.21+
Hi there,

I have an odd problem, and not one I can pinpoint by myself.

I have a gateway machine that I use for both wireless freenet and isdn DOV
internet connectivity.
The wireless card is a cabletron roamabout, running orinoco_cs 0.13e,
connected through an ISA-PCMCIA connector and the isdn card is a NetJet-S
pci card using the hisax driver.
It was running the 2.4.20 kernel previously, and worked a
treat. Everything worked fine and that was the first kernel release with
isdn DOV support.

When I tried compiling the 2.4.21 and 2.4.22 kernels though, I noticed
something odd. Whenever my wireless traffic went up, the speed of my isdn
dropped significantly.
More than say 100kB/s worth of wireless traffic, and my isdn downloads -
which were sitting on 8kB/s solid for a while were suddenly dropped down to
0.1kB/s. The same doesn't hold true for the reverse (or doesn't seem
to). Also note that while wireless downloads stomp isdn downloads - upload
traffic remains unaffected.

Now at the time, I passed this off a bit.. figured I must have done
something odd in creating my kernel - perhaps ticked some load balancing
box somewhere. I'd also checked the I/O and IRQ's to make sure there were
no conflicts and couldn't find any reason for it (was using the same kernel
config as 2.4.20 too). Then I'd given up and gone back to the working
2.4.20 kernel.

The other day I decided to update the box and I installed the latest
Knoppix 3.3 (Nov03) on it (using their nifty install to hdd feature to get
a nice debian setup) - and what should surface again with the default
2.4.22-xfs kernel is this issue with wireless stomping isdn traffic.

I've tried switching hardware (except the pcmcia/isdn card) - and occurs
from a 466 celeron to a 1ghz athlon and also tried moving pci slots, etc.

Short of building a 2.4.20 kernel to use I have no solution at present - so
anything you can suggest is welcome. Can provide dmesg/more detailed info
on request.



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