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Dear friend,

Compliments of the day. I write to seek your participation in a transaction that would be of mutual benefit to both of us. Before I
proceed on my proposal to you, let me introduce myself. My name is Edward Lowe, I am the administrative officer, working with
a diplomatic fiduciary/security company in London, United Kingdom. My duty involves administrative documentation/periodical
inspection of deposits in the company.

In the course of one of my daily routines of stock taking, I had noticed that there had been a particular deposit/consignment in
the company that has been dormant for the past 5 years, which no one had since come forth for. To this effect, late last year, I
began making some private investigations to ascertain the beneficiary, nature and other relevant information on the

I found out that the beneficiary of the deposit had since passed on over 3 years ago. Upon going through the deposit form as
filled, at the time of deposit. The beneficiary did not state or fill out any next of kin, in case of his death. Thus, thereby leaving the
deposit dormant till date. However, most stunning was my further investigation to ascertain the content of the deposit. I
discovered that the consignment was filled with cash of dollar bills. Judging from the weight and seize of the consignment, I
have calculated and approximated the amount of cash in it to be about US$14M to US$17M. All these are known to only me

Now, I seek your assistances/partnership to claim the said consignment from the company and spilt the cash between us in a
ratio that would be negotiated between us. This of course, is subject to your acceptance to participate in this transaction.
Please note that by virtue of my designation in the company, I have worked out the perfect modality as well as I shall provide the
relevant information/documentation for the successful claim of the consignment. Be rest assured that the transaction carries no
risk whatsoever. In this regard and in order to keep it risk free, I expect you should be able to keep the transaction highly

Please acknowledge or indicate your resolve on the above transaction. Upon my receipt of a resolve from you, I shall furnish
you with in-depth details of this transaction. I hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

Edward Lowe.

NOTE: Get back to me ONLY on any of these email addresses:,


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