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SubjectPCI: device 00:09.0 has unknown header type 04, ignoring. What's that?
Hi kernel hackers,

I have a problem with a GPIB PCI card from Quancom
( ).

I wrote a programm to read data <100kByte/sec from the GPIB bus to the RAM.
When the PCI card shares it's IRQ it works for some time and then hardlocks
my computer - the "PCI access LED" of the GPIB card is always ON then.
Now I found a PCI slot where the card doesn't have to share the IRQ - but
linux ignores the card :-(
While booting the kernel says:
<6>PCI: Probing PCI hardware
<4>PCI: ACPI tables contain no PCI IRQ routing entries
<4>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
<3>PCI: device 00:09.0 has unknown header type 04, ignoring.
<6>PCI: Using IRQ router VIA [1106/3074] at 00:11.0

The BIOS bootscreen reported an "unknown device - IRQ5". But "lspci" doesn't
show up the card!!!

What is "unknown header type 04" ?
Why does "lspci" show the card when IRQ is shared?
How can I know what's wrong with this card?

Somebody please enlighten me.
Please CC me your mail - I'm not subscribed to the list.


PS: I already had trouble with this card spontaneously getting unconfigured
(like before the BIOS talks to the card) in an ECS L7S7A board ...

My system:
Athlon 2000XP
Epox 8KHA+ (VIA KT266a)

2.4.22 kernel
3.1.97 linux gpib driver

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