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Subject[2.6] VC (keyboard) doesn't clean up its buffers

I've got into trouble with the Linux 2.6 keyboard layer of Linux
2.6.0-test9* (That is, I've tested the original as well as BK and the
mm1 and mm2 patches.) The problem is the keyboard buffer.

tty->filp.char_buf is filled correctly by my typings. The buffer state
goes up, and once I've typed 255 characters, of course it's
full. *But* the big deal with the keyboard buffer is usually somebody
who's reading out the contents and processing it, so that the
characters I typed are processed. This is *not* taking place. The
buffer just fills up and there we are.

I'm of course trying to solve that problem on my own (I remember that
last time I've had a problem no one even read my email), but I'd be
glad if you'd give me some additional hints on what to do.

If I use SysRq, the whole thing works, of course, as SysRqs aren't
read from the input buffer.

(The input is processed corectly all the way from the keyboard (PS/2
or USB, doesn't matter, as it works both ways.) into the buffers. The
up/down events are handled correctly. The only thing that's wrong is
that nobody is reading out the buffer afterwards.)

Thanks a lot for every helpful response.

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