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11TH oct 2003
From: Engr Zino Jabari
Federal Ministry of Works And Housing
Federal Secretariat Complex


Good friend,

I must solicit your strictest confidence in this business proposal,
this is by virtue of it's nature as being utterly confidential and top
as you were introduced by an associate in the foreign affairs office of
the Nigerian Chambers of Commerce and industry who assured us in confidence
of your ability and reliability to prosecute a transaction of great
involving a pending business transaction requiring maximum confidence. I
want you to study this letter carefully and advice categorically if you
will be able to handle it.
We are top officials from the Federal Ministry of Works & Housing(FMW&H),
Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), and the Presidency, making up the
Review Panel (CRP) set up by the Federal Government of Nigeria to review
contracts awarded by the past Military administration.
In the course of our work in the CRP, we discovered the sum of US$32,000000
Million Dollars which resulted from grossly over-invoiced contracts which
were executed for the FMW&H during the last administration. The companies
that executed the contract have been duly paid and the contracts
Leaving the sum above floating in the Escrow account of the Central Bank
of Nigeria ready for payment. I have therefore been mandated as a matter
of trust by my colleagues in the Panel to look for an over-seas partner
to whom we could transfer the sum of US$32M by Legally subcontracting the
contract entitlement to your company. This is bearing in mind that our civil
service code of conduct forbids us from owning foreign companies or running
foreign accounts while in active Government service hence the need for an
We have agreed that the funds will be shared thus should you be willing
after it has been transfered into your account:
(1)25% of the money will go to you for acting as the beneficiary of the
(2)65% to us the Government officials (with which we are to commence an
importation business in conjunction with you).
(3} 10% has been set aside as an abstract projection for reimbursement to
both parties for incidental expenses such as taxes phone bills and
that may be incured in the course of this transaction.

All logistics are in place and all modalities worked out for the smooth
conclusion of this transaction. Within ten to fourteen working days of
based on your acceptance to assist us, the funds will be in your account.
We will register a company on your behalf for you and we will also secure
all the necessary documents to give it a legal backing. But if you already
have a company, please furnish us with the following information so that
we can register the new company here as an affiliate to the already existing
one: Your company name, address, company's details and activities, telephone
& fax numbers. On receipt of the information as permission, we will make
applications and lodge claims to the concerned Ministries & agencies in
favour of the company and it is pertinent to state here that this
is entirely based on trust as the Solar Bank Draft or Certified Cheque
in any of the Central Bank of Nigeria correspondent Bankers worldwide is
going to be made in your name.
I want to assure you that this transaction is 100% risk-free. Please
the receipt of this email.
and feel free to reach me immediately through the above e-mail.

Note that there are a few more details which will be communicated to you
by phone and fax
so include you personal phone and fax numbers in your reply.

Thank you and God bless

Engr Zino Jabari

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