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Subjectkernel 2.6.0betaX: ich5 sata enhanced mode hangs during init

I have a Mainboard with a intel 865PE chipset. I tested many kernels to get
Serial-ATA (sata) disk to work in enhanced mode and so far only one kernel
works - 2.5.74. I need the enhanced mode because I lose all secondary ide
ports if i switch to legacy/compatible mode in the mainboards bios (which
disables some of my drives).

Since the first beta of kernel 2.6.0 i had no luck in successfully booting
machine unless i switched to SATA legacy mode. All 2.6.0beta-kernels make it

to the init sequence and detect the sata disk, but the system hangs at
postions during init (starting devfsd, mounting swap or setting the machines

hostname, well - somewhere during startup).

I tried removing swap from /etc/fstab and disabling some init-scripts but it

doesn't help. Booting in "single" mode does not work too. The only thing
works is using legacy sata support, so i guess it is related to some new
code for
handling serial ata controllers/disks (the machine boots off a sata disk) in
2.6.0beta kernels. 2.5.74 boots and works w/o problems, but i'd feel better
if i
run a kernel marked "stable" ;)

Is there something i can do to trace the problem of the hang during boot,
some special kernel options, new user-space tools,...? Is this maybe related
SMP support or hyperthreading cpus?

I am open for any hints or test-procedures that may help to fix or find the
thanks in advance
Michael Kefeder

p.s.: i'm not subscribed to the lkml, please put me on CC when answering

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