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Subject2.6.0-test6 drivers/pci/devlist.h and classlist.h appear hideously corrupt

It appears that the second doublequote in
each line has been replaced with CLASS(%s%s, "%s")
and the names of the macros have also been altered.

This is a generated file, and it appears
that the classlist.h file is the corrupt one;
the first four letters on every line get
lopped during the build. That seems very weird,
but it is what is happening:

S(0c03, "USB Controller")
S(0c04, "Fibre Channel")
S(0c05, "SMBus")

here is what make clean && make gives me:

CC drivers/pci/pool.o
CC drivers/pci/quirks.o
HOSTCC drivers/pci/gen-devlist
DEVLIST drivers/pci/devlist.h
CC drivers/pci/names.o
In file included from drivers/pci/names.c:38:
drivers/pci/devlist.h:7576:11: missing terminating ' character
drivers/pci/devlist.h:7696:30: missing terminating ' character
drivers/pci/devlist.h:7704:30: missing terminating ' character
drivers/pci/devlist.h:7710:34: missing terminating ' character

It appears that the first four chars of each line are getting
lopped from devlist.h as well:

$ head drivers/pci/devlist.h
OR(0000,"Gammagraphx, Inc.CLASS(%s%s, "%s")

OR(001a,"Ascend Communications, Inc.CLASS(%s%s, "%s")

What is going on here? There isn't any significant difference between
the test4and test6 in this directory that I can find, and
it happens even with the test4 pci.ids file.

david nicol / in 1310 the Dutch invented insurance

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