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SubjectNasty Oops in 2.6.0-test6 bind/SO_REUSEADDR

I can't provide a stacktrace because it hardlocks the system, but it's
trivial to reproduce.

Swap back and forth between apache2 and apache a few times, and it
hardlocks at bind.

From what I copied down and backtraced we crash at tcp_v4_get_port +
0x378/390, which is in tcp_ipv4.c:194 (inline tcp_bind_conflict)

struct inet_opt *inet2 = inet_sk(sk2);
if (!inet2->rcv_saddr || !inet->rcv_saddr ||
inet2->rcv_saddr == inet->rcv_saddr)

468: 0f b6 40 49 movzbl 0x49(%eax),%eax
46c: 83 e0 20 and $0x20,%eax
46f: 84 c0 test %al,%al

In fact, I believe the problem to be with SO_REUSEADDR. It only
manifests if the port has gotten traffic and there's sockets in

I suppose a trivial test would be to bind to a port, connect to it,
disconnect, close the socket, create a socket with SO_REUSEADDR and
rebind to it. Pow.

I can't get UML 2.6.0 working so I can't test very well, but it's a
helluva showstopper.

The strace of apache starting up when it crashed:

fcntl64(3, F_DUPFD, 15) = 20
close(3) = 0
setsockopt(20, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, [1], 4) = 0
setsockopt(20, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, [1], 4

(oopsed in bind so strace never saw it)

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