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SubjectRE: Kernel doesn't see USB ADSL modem - pegasus?

So I should insert the following line in pegasus.h?

PEGASUS_DEV( "SpeedStream 5200 ADSL Modem", VENDOR_SIEMENS, 0xe240,

Is the first string free to choose or do I have to match some output from
the device? Anyway, I'll try it tonight or tomorrow.

By the way, USB and ACPI are nice to each other again. Thanks Jun! You're
better at your craft than your distant relative Satoru
( was at his!

Cheers all,

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg KH
To: Juan Carlos Castro Y Castro
Cc: ''
Sent: 10/4/2003 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: Kernel doesn't see USB ADSL modem - pegasus?

On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 02:10:57AM -0300, Juan Carlos Castro Y Castro
> (Please CC me here and at -- I'm not
> I have a SpeedStream 5200 ADSL modem, connected to the USB port. From
what I
> understand, the pegasus driver should see it. I installed 2.4.23-pre6,
> modprobe'd usbnet and pegasus, but no new interface shows up. (I
tested with
> ip link show)
> Maybe I should patch the driver to include a device ID or something of
> sort?

Try that, the driver currently does not support this device id. Let us
know how that works.


greg k-h

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