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SubjectFloppy in 2.6
Hi everybody, this might be a stupid question, but here goes anyway:

I've been using the 2.6 test kernels from when -test4 was released, but only today have i noticed that my floppy drive is nowhere to be found.

I've checked the in the menu for the kernel config (make menuconfig) and i did not find the "block devices > normal floppy support" option (as it was called in the 2.4 kernels) anywhere, and there is no /dev/fd0 on my system.

In 2.4 there was the option for "normal floppy support" and I have the /dev/fd0 device for my floppy when I boot the old 2.4.22 kernel. So my question is: does the 2.6 kernel support normal floppy disks or not? And if it does, how do I enable this support in order to use my floppy drive.

thanx in advance

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