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SubjectMouse and keyboard problems with 2.6.0-test9
I've been having mouse and keyboard problems with kernels since 
2.6.0-test6 (at least). The machine I'm testign with has a Supermicro
X5DA8 (Intel E7507 chipset) motherboard with two 3Ghz Xeon CPUs and was
install with Red Hat 9 and updates modutils, kinitrd etc.

When doing large amounts of I/O (we're reading > 300MB/s from disk,
processing it and downloading it across AGP) while running XFree86 the
psmouse gets into a state where it loses synchronisation and cannot
recover. The pointer warps to the top right of the desktop and moving
the mouse generates spurious mouse down events. Switching to a virtual
console and back to the X desktop sometimes recovers, but usually not.

I've tried the psmouse_noext option, various rates including 200 (which
seemed to make things better for a while) and the recent psmouse_rate
with the rate to 0 without success. I've also tried a generic Dell
wheelmouse and and one of those optical Microsoft Intellimouse things.

The keyboard problem is that atkbd.c gets into a state where it starts
generating message like the following for each key press:

Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0x0, data 0x0, on

These flood the console, making the machine difficult to use. This
mostly happens when I switch between XFree86 and virtual consoles, so it
may be due to my generic PS2 keyboard generating spurious release events
(as mentioned previously
Commenting out the warning in atkdb.c makes the console usable again.

Any suggestions on things to try would be greatfully appreciated.



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