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SubjectRe: [Dri-devel] Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] DRM and pci_driver conversion
On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 04:37:30PM +0200, Ingo Oeser wrote:
> On Saturday 25 October 2003 21:17, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> > Graphics processors are growing more general, too -- moving towards
> > generic vector/data processing engines. I bet you'll see an optimal
> > model emerge where you have some sort of "JIT" for GPU microcode in
> > userspace. Multiple apps pipeline X/GL/hardware commands into the JIT,
> > which in turn pipelines data and microcode commands to the GPU kernel
> > driver.
> These "JIT" is needed also for another reason:
> There are contraints for GPU commands and the pipelines need to
> be modelled, like CPU piplines are modelled in a compiler. But
> more like the pipelines of some early long instruction word
> processors, where issuing to a used pipeline will cause random
> behavior and crashes. So the JIT doesn't should also emit
> synchronization points.
> With this JIT in place, there need to be just some hardware description
> files (backends) and some API (GL, DirectX, X) description files
> (frontends).

I agree 60% ;-) This JIT emits GPU-specific microcode, so it should
lean towards being hardware-dependent. Speed and efficiency IMO demand

Looking at existing, open-source CPU JITs, there are certainly general
pieces and CPU-specific pieces. But for GPUs, I think the best method
is to start at the more-GPU-specific end of the spectrum, and _evolve_
towards a more general solution, as hardware needs dictate.

In other terms, let the hardware drive the JIT design and evolution, and
don't over-design for a future that may never come. That was part of
GGI's problem, IMO.

> Now we just need some funding for that and the datasheets. Then it's
> doable.

Yep ;-)

> I see just one showstopper: Cheating in benchmarks isn't possible anymore.
> PS: That's basically the GGI approach taken further.

I followed GGI for a while. Trying to be all things to all people was
their principle mistake. As Pat Morita said in Karate Kid,
"Focus, Daniel-san!" Be specific before general.


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