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SubjectRe: [Dri-devel] Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] DRM and pci_driver conversion
Jeff Garzik wrote:
> Linus Torvalds wrote:
>> Quite frankly, I'd much rather see a low-level graphics driver that does
>> _two_ things, and those things only:
>> - basic hardware enumeration and setup (and no, "basic setup" does not
>> mean "mode switching": it literally means things like doing the
>> pci_enable_device() stuff.
>> - serialization and arbitrary command queuing from a _trusted_ party (ie
>> it could take command lists from the X server, but not from untrusted
>> clients). This part basically boils down to "DMA and interrupts".
>> This is the part that allows others to wait for command completion,
>> "enough space in the ring buffers" etc. But it does _not_ know or
>> care what the commands are.
> Thank you for saying it. This is what I have been preaching (quietly)
> for years -- command submission and synchronization (and thus, DMA/irq
> handling) needs to be in the kernel. Everything else can be in
> userspace (excluding hardware enable/enumerate, of course).

To enable secure direct rendering on current hardware (ie without secure
command submission mechanisms), you need command valididation somewhere. This
could be a layer on top of the minimal dma engine Linus describes.

> Graphics processors are growing more general, too -- moving towards
> generic vector/data processing engines. I bet you'll see an optimal
> model emerge where you have some sort of "JIT" for GPU microcode in
> userspace.

You mean like the programmable fragment and vertex hardware that has been in
use for a couple of years now?


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