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SubjectRe: [pm] fix time after suspend-to-*
Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
>>The request can be on the wall clock or on clock_monotonic. Still, we went
>>round and round about how a tick on one should be a tick on the other. My
>>understanding is that the pm_timer was put in the ACPIC to handle this, but
>>then I don't know how far down power is going, nor for how long. I would
>>think at some point the discontinuity would be large enough that one would
>>want some user service to run and "fix" all the broken time assumptions.
>>Some sort of a soft reboot that would kick the ntp code, cron and so on,
>>much as is done at boot.
> Well, it is well possible that discontinuity is days (it usually is 8
> hours for me -- I suspend-to-disk before going to sleep), and nothing
> prevents you from suspending machine for half a year.

Ok, but then is there some sort of house cleaning that happens to clean up the
mess? I am thinking something like the run level change where scripts might run
to "fix" things.

Now it could be that my ignorance is showing here, possibly this is all being
done already...

George Anzinger
Preemption patch:

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