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SubjectRe: [pm] fix time after suspend-to-*
john stultz wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 16:09, George Anzinger wrote:
>>john stultz wrote:
>>>On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 13:23, George Anzinger wrote:
>>>>I lost (never saw) the first of this thread, BUT, if this is 2.6, I strongly
>>>>recommend that settimeofday() NOT be called. It will try to adjust
>>>>wall_to_motonoic, but, as this appears to be a correction for time lost while
>>>>sleeping, wall_to_monotonic should not change.
>>>While suspended should the notion monotonic time be incrementing? If
>>>we're not incrementing jiffies, then uptime isn't being incremented, so
>>>to me it doesn't follow that the monotonic time should be incrementing
>>>as well.
>>Uh, not moving jiffies? What does this say about any timers that may be
>>pending? Say for cron or some such? Like I said, I picked up this thread a bit
>>late, but, seems to me that if time is passing, it should pass on both the
>>jiffies AND the wall clocks.
> My understanding is that we are suspending the box (ie: putting your
> laptop to sleep/hybernate), so for all practical purposes the box is off
> waiting until it is woken up. During that time I don't believe we
> receive timer interrupts. When we are woken up, we should update the
> system time and continue, but as the box wasn't running during the
> interim we shouldn't be increasing the notion of monotonic time.
>>>It may very well be a POSIX timers spec issue, but it just strikes me as
>>The spec thing would relate to any sleeps or timers that are pending. The spec
>>would seem to say they should complete somewhere near the requested wall time,
>>but NEVER before. By not moving jiffies, I think they will be a bit late. Now,
>>if they were to complete during the sleep, well those should fire at completion
>>of the sleep. If the are to complete after the sleep, then, it seems to me,
>>they should fire at the requested time.
> Hmmm. That last sentence gives me pause. I guess it comes down to how
> you request your timer expiration: in wall time or system time. I
> always thought it was in system time, but you know this stuff better
> then I, so I'll defer.

The request can be on the wall clock or on clock_monotonic. Still, we went
round and round about how a tick on one should be a tick on the other. My
understanding is that the pm_timer was put in the ACPIC to handle this, but then
I don't know how far down power is going, nor for how long. I would think at
some point the discontinuity would be large enough that one would want some user
service to run and "fix" all the broken time assumptions. Some sort of a soft
reboot that would kick the ntp code, cron and so on, much as is done at boot.

George Anzinger
Preemption patch:

ps, long week end, out till Tuesday...

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