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SubjectRe: FEATURE REQUEST: Specific Processor Optimizations on x86 Architecture
On Wed, 2003-10-22 21:35:22 +0600, Joseph D. Wagner <>
wrote in message <>:

> I respectivly disagree with those reasons. -march is gcc flag. If it
> creates any instability (doubtful), it's really a gcc problem. Throwing it
> in will light a fire under their @$$ to get their act together.

It *may* happen that some things work a bit differently. This needn't be
an exact compiler error. It may be a Linux kernel source error. However,
these things are quite subtle so it might break things and you only see
it after a month or two, when you on-HDD data is already gone...

Changes like that need good tests and can't be done in a 2.4.x kernel
becase it may harm people's data or stability. These changes need to be
done in development kernels, hopefully when they start off, not when
they settle down to become the next stable release, though...


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