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SubjectTest8 suspend fails if laptop lid closed.
Interesting.  Suspend to disk (echo -n disk > /sys/power/state) works just 
fine as long as I keep the laptop open until it powers down. (I timed it, it
takes 35 seconds by the way. Over half of this is "freeing memory" without
the hard drive light actually going...)

If I close the lid while it's busy suspend, it won't. It'll almost suspend,
but the CPU power will stay on, the fan will stay running, and the backlight
will stay on even though the screen is otherwise black. Only thing to do
then is hold the power button down for ten seconds until it fully powers off,
then reboot it.

It works reliably so far if I leave the lid open, and fails reliably with the
lid closed before it's actually done suspending. This is on a thinkpad
iSeries 1200 something. (Serial number starting with 1171 6xu, from which
the model number can be googled for if it matters...)

Any ideas?

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