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SubjectRe: FEATURE REQUEST: Specific Processor Optimizations on x86 Architecture
> Already done for 2.6

Version 2.6 is still in beta. Besides, this should have been done years ago
before 2.6 existed.

> Last time I looked these made absolutely no difference to performance
> due to the only differences being on FP code.

So what? Some other kernel developer -- like a module/driver developer, a
real-time systems developer, a simulations developer, or just some guy
messing around (read: student) -- might really want or even need those
specific optimizations.

Isn't this whole free-as-in-freedom software thing about giving developers
and end-users options they wouldn't otherwise have under closed source
alternatives? In that spirit, shouldn't developers have the option of
optimizing for those specific processors?

And don't give me this crap that being open source means I can do it myself.
The fact is that most people can't make the changes themselves. Then,
instead of chosing between an operating system they like and an operating
system they hate, people end up choosing between an operating system they
hate and an operating system they really hate.

This is one of the reasons why I've never contributed to any open source
project: the my-way-or-the-highway attitude of the existing developer base
makes attempts for newbies to get inside an invintation for unnecessary

Unless there's some hidden section of makefile code I don't know about, you
can count the number of lines that would have to be changed to meet my
request on the fingers of one of your hands. If you don't make the change,
I will consider it conclusive proof that the whole free-as-in-freedom is
really just free-as-in-beer.

Joseph D. Wagner
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