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SubjectRe: Blockbusting news, results are in
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 17:53:46 EDT, "Theodore Ts'o" said:

> Read the e2fsck man page, and pay attention to the -c, -l, and -L
> options....

Yes, I knew this was doable if the filesystem was unmounted - the fun is of
course that if you get a bad block in /usr or someplace similar, it would
REALLY be nice to be able to do something about it without taking it offline..

The cynic in me says that if I have to take it down to flag a bad block, I'm
going to use the downtime to just replace the *bleep*ing thing with something
more acquainted with the concept of block relocation - if it didn't relocate
it, either the relocation sectors are used up or the drive has pessimal
microcode, both of which are bad news.

I admit I haven't cooked up a test filesystem and actually checked what happens
if you feed the -l flag a block that's already in a file (presumably it
deallocates it from the inode and leaves a sparse hole) or a block that
contains inodes or a superblock copy...

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