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SubjectRe: HighPoint 374

>> I have tested the kernel hpt374 drivers with all possible kernel
>> configurations with and without ACPI/APM, local apic, io-apic and
>> they don't seem to change anything in my case. I just get the following
>> error message sooner or later and the whole system hangs.
>> Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: blk: queue c0466908, I/O limit 4095Mb
>> (mask 0xffffffff)
>> Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hde: dma_timer_expiry: dma status ==
>> 0x20
>> Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hde: timeout waiting for DMA
>> Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hde: timeout waiting for DMA
> This is the EXACT same things I see in my logs.

Very interesting. The other type of errors I have received (the last time
with 2.4.23-pre4) were:

Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hde: set_drive_speed_status: status=0xff {
Busy }
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: blk: queue c0492188, I/O limit 4095Mb
(mask 0xffffffff)
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hde: set_drive_speed_status: status=0xff {
Busy }
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hde: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x21
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hde: error waiting for DMA
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hde: dma timeout retry: status=0x50 {
DriveReady SeekComplete }
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel:
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdg: set_drive_speed_status: status=0xff {
Busy }
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: blk: queue c04925dc, I/O limit 4095Mb
(mask 0xffffffff)
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdg: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x00
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdg: timeout waiting for DMA
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdg: timeout waiting for DMA
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdg: (__ide_dma_test_irq) called while not
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: blk: queue c0492a30, I/O limit 4095Mb
(mask 0xffffffff)
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdk: set_drive_speed_status: status=0xff {
Busy }
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: blk: queue c0492e84, I/O limit 4095Mb
(mask 0xffffffff)
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdk: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x01
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdk: set_drive_speed_status: status=0xff {
Busy }
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdk: error waiting for DMA
Sep 14 14:29:49 alderan kernel: hdk: dma timeout retry: status=0x50 {
DriveReady SeekComplete }

>> It might be that my problems are somehow related to the motherboards
>> I've been using, as the first one is "Epox 8K9A3+ (Via KT400 chipset)"
>> while the another one is "Epox 4PCA3+ (Intel 875p chipset)". But they
>> are 100% reproduceble with multiple brands of disk-drives.
> Mine is an Asus CUSL2, Pentium III motherboard with 512 Mb.

Ok, so it doesn't sound that the fault is only with Epox mb's.
I sincerely hope that someone with more knowledge about ide-stuff
could figure out something to overcome this particular problem ...
Currently my disk-drivers are made by 2*samsung (SV8004H) and
2*Samsung(SV1604N), in case that changes anything.

BTW. Have you noticed in what situation the lock up happens ?
As all my drivers are mirrored in pairs (ie. Raid1) the system
might run stable for 2-3 days before a lockup unless there is
some heavy transfers going on. In case any of the mirrors required
syncing when bootingg up the system, the system will lockup immediately.

What does /proc/interrupts show in your case ?
Mine is:

0: 138788842 IO-APIC-edge timer
1: 328481 IO-APIC-edge keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 21357900 IO-APIC-edge rtc
14: 14205 IO-APIC-edge ide0
16: 104139080 IO-APIC-level radeon@PCI:1:0:0
17: 136188388 IO-APIC-level ide2, ide3, hpt374
19: 98331044 IO-APIC-level eth0
21: 70689058 IO-APIC-level ehci_hcd, usb-uhci, usb-uhci, usb-uhci
22: 10181857 IO-APIC-level VIA8233
NMI: 0
LOC: 138780432
ERR: 0
MIS: 109612

And have you tried with ACPI on/off and io-apic on/off ?

Tomi Orava

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