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SubjectRe: HighPoint 374

> What's the current status of HPT 374 support? Is it working in any kernel
> version?

Unfortunately, in my experience the included kernel driver doesn't work
reliable at all with my hardware either. I have tried all possible
kernel versions up to and including 2.4.23-pre5 without success.

> I know HP provides binaries, but that's no good, I need to use other
> kernel
> builds.

The Highpoint proprietary drivers work fine in my case as well, but
I'm not too happy about the fact that I simply can't access the
SMART stats of my drivers at all for example.

> 2.4.20-8 detects the card and provides the devices but data corruptions
> happens all the time. Using the HP drivers everything works fine (note

I have tested the kernel hpt374 drivers with all possible kernel
configurations with and without ACPI/APM, local apic, io-apic and
they don't seem to change anything in my case. I just get the following
error message sooner or later and the whole system hangs.

Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: blk: queue c0466908, I/O limit 4095Mb
(mask 0xffffffff)
Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hde: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x20
Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hde: timeout waiting for DMA
Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hde: timeout waiting for DMA
Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: blk: queue c0466d5c, I/O limit 4095Mb
(mask 0xffffffff)
Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hdg: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x20
Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hdg: timeout waiting for DMA
Sep 26 23:07:42 alderan kernel: hdg: timeout waiting for DMA

It might be that my problems are somehow related to the motherboards
I've been using, as the first one is "Epox 8K9A3+ (Via KT400 chipset)"
while the another one is "Epox 4PCA3+ (Intel 875p chipset)". But they
are 100% reproduceble with multiple brands of disk-drives.

Tomi Orava

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