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SubjectRe: Why are bad disk sectors numbered strangely, and what happens to them?
Norman Diamond wrote:

>Hans Reiser wrote:
>>I think the problem is that many users don't know how to trigger the bad
>>sector remapping for the case where the drive can still remap, using
>>writes to the bad blocks, and probably our faq needs updating.
>This is indeed one of the problems[*]. The other problem is that it seems
>to be absurdly difficult to find which file contains the bad sector. Even
>though a file could have multiple hard links, it would be enough to get one
>pathname for the file, in order to know which file needs to be reconstructed
>from a source of good data.
>[* Of course I also wish that the original failing write had been detected
>by the drive, but this failure isn't software's fault. I hope.]
badblocks program fixes that


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