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Subject2.6.0-test5/6 (and probably 7 too) size-4096 memory leak

Hi there!

I want to report a memory leak for 2.6.0-test5 that I've noticed today on
a mail server after 32 days of uptime.

As I'm upgrading it tomorrow to test7 I wasn't going to report this until
verifying if the behaviour continued, but I saw on kernelnewbies that
others were having this issue with test7 too, so I decided to post a
report with the information before I reboot the server.

The attached files are gzipped for space reasons, and were taken at night
when the server isn't very loaded.

The workload is a simple sendmail with ipop3d and imapd, nothing much, for
about 6500 users; the machine is a dual Pentium III with 1gb of RAM and a
couple of SCSI disks.

Slabinfo reports that size-4096 has 104341 active objects and growing.

On another box at home I see the same issue with test6, but "only" with
11612 objects; I'm not posting info on this box as I guess the mailserver
is much more important because the leak is really noticeable.

Please let me know if I can help with anything.


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:49    [W:0.039 / U:0.880 seconds]
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