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SubjectRe: slab corruption of hpsb_packet from ohci1394 + sbp2 on 2.6.0-test7
[Resending again due to broken DNS apparently causing messages to be rejected.]

Thank you very much, Ben, for a most helpful response. Getting the 'tarball'

and using its directory 'ieee1394/trunk/' in place of '.../drivers/ieee394'
indeed allows 'modprobe ohci1394' to succeed and CD/RW operations to occur.
There are still glitches, though, as 'rmmod sbp2' or 'rmmod ohci1394' give
me backtrace(s), bug reports of which have been sent privately (and will
be cheerfully provided upon request). Software suspend also does not work
properly with the associated device, but i have no idea whether that ever
worked and does not appear to affect other non-CD/RW operations.

I will provide a summary of other VAIO R505EL issues with 2.6.0-test* in a
separate post after i've gotten further with debugging an 'ide-cs' problem.

Thanks again for the bug fix, as now i should be able to run a more modern
kernel to write data CDs.
-- JM

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